We're always on the lookout for new recruits at the Garw Valley Railway, be they active volunteers or armchair supporters; we're always incredibly grateful for the time and support!
If you'd like to become a member of the Garw Valley Railway and help rebuild the railway please select your age bracket below:
For Family membership please use the form below
Alternatively download our membership form below and send complete with cheque made out to Bridgend Valleys Railway Co. by post to the address below.
Please choose as appropriate
Please give us a donation!
Follow the paypal link below, Alternatively please drop us a donation at the locomotive shed on your next visit.
We are members of the Give As You Live (GAYL) fundraising platform and their sister search engine, Everyclick. If you shop online, GAYL has links with some 4000 online stores and shops which are willing to give a donation to us whenever you purchase anything; similarly, every time you search for something online using Everyclick, we earn a small sum of money – and none of this costs you anything. Please follow th elinks below
One good way to support us regularly is using Give As You Live's Cards for Causes - why not use a card for your weekly shop that can be recharged as often as you like? Click Here for more
We are also members of the Localgiving platform, which currently runs 5 or 6 annual campaigns – from matched-funding campaigns to campaigns that involve a degree of competition, such as how many unique donations can a charity get for itself over a given period of time – often 2.5 weeks, or which local fundraiser can raise the most for their chosen charity in a month.
![PayPal Button](https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_donateCC_LG.gif)
![PayPal Button](https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/scr/pixel.gif)